Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Overwhelming dreaded housework

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with house work, cooking, and running errands.  Well here are a few tips when trying to get it all done.  I used to never keep a clean house unless I knew someone was coming for a visit then I would kill myself cleaning and it was ridiculous.  I decided several years ago that instead of spending 5 hours cleaning at once every week I would break it down so that my house stayed pretty clean all the time.  I always make my bed every morning when I am getting dressed.  It takes 2 minutes and so much nicer getting into a nice made bed at night:)  I also try to do at least one thing everyday when it comes to household chores.  For instance, today I am going to clean my bathrooms, then tomorrow I will dust.  I do try to sweep my kitchen and living room almost everyday because my hard wood really shows.  When  we have kids toys are thrown everywhere and for me thats fine.  I decided to quit battling the toys throughout the day and I leave them for night time to pick up.  So while there may be toys scattered around I know that underneath those toys its clean:)  Another tip, never go to bed with your kitchen a mess its so discouraging to wake up and have to clean your kitchen 1st thing.  Now for me the biggest thing I feel that is always over my head is laundry.  I used to spend one day a week doing laundry and it was insanely crazy to say the least.  Now I try to wash at least 1 load sometimes 2 every other day.  I have found that its so much easier for me to wash, fold, and PUT UP(LOL) smaller stackes of clothes than a laundry room full.  Now it may look  like all I do is clean everyday but truthfully when you break it down like this I literally spend about an hour daily with chores and my house stays pretty clean.  Give your little ones chores to help out.  Zane usually dusts the baseboards with the swiffer(or acts like he is but he feels like he is helping) or he will taking the little dust broom around the house and act like he is sweeping or you can do all your chores while they are napping either way just try to make yourself do something daily and your housework will not back up on you and you will not feel so overwhelmed:)  Just a few hints on housework that I hope you fine helpful!!

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