Friday, June 3, 2011

Fun Tie Dye Cupcakes

So I stole this recipe from a dear friend but they were so cute and a BIG hit  I had to share.  This recipe is very simple but a little time consuming.  The end product is so cute.  I thought I would give you a step by step on this particular recipe.

You want to start with your regular favorite white cake mix.  I prefer Betty Crocker because of the box tops:)  Mix your batter as directed on box.  When mixed divide batter evenly into 4 bowls. (just a hint to get this even I took a measuring cup and did a cup of batter at a time into 4 bowls to make sure I had exact amounts.) I did 4 colors so I added gel food colring to each bowl and mixed thoroughly.  You will want to add as much coloring as you want.  So the less you add the more pastel of a look you will have and the more you add the brighter they will be.  I added about 1/2 of a tube of each color for mine. 
After you have mixed thoroughly then spoon one level spoon of all 4 colors into each lined muffiin pans.
 Bake as directed on box.  Be sure to insert a toothpick to check when they are done because they have a really shiney texture and tend to look like they need to be cooking longer when indeed they are done.
Let cool completely.
Once cool then do your icing in a similar manner.  I used 3 colors and divided then added gel color.  Once the color has been mixed in the bowls put in the refrigerator to set up for at least 5 minutes.  This just helpps the texture to not be so runny.The tricky part is putting your icing in your decorator.  I used my Pampered Chef Accent Decorator but you can use a decorating bag as well.  Add colors to each side of your tube the begin decorating. All color come out in a nice swirl design and look really cute.
The cutest thing was when you took a bite of these.  The colors were so vibrant and the kids loved them.


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