Thursday, June 23, 2011

The secert to making Green Beans that actually taste yummy:)

Green Beans are one of those "green" veggies that for me HAVE to be cooked perfect in order for me to eat them and actually enjoy the taste of them.  I have cooked my beans many ways over the years and have FINALLY perfected the taste that not only I enjoy but my boys love them as well.  Whether you are cooking fresh canned green beans or good ol store bought green are a couple of tips for you that will turn your crunchy no taste beans into a bean full of flavor(and soft).  The below instructions are for 2 cans of beans.

 Cover your Green Beans completely with water.  Add 2 Tablesppons of butter(which I always use the fat free spray so I just spray until there is a nice coating of yellow in the water).  Then add Lawrys seasoning salt (about 1-2 Tablespoon depending on the amount your cooking).  Cook your beans on high until the start boiling then turn to Medium high.  Continue to boil down for a couple of hours.  You do want to remember to keep an eye on them because you will need to continue adding water(enough to cover) to them as they continue to boil.  I like to cook mine for about 2-3 hours until the texture of the beans are nice and soft(not crispy still).   The longer you cook them the softer the become. 

If you or your kids are not Green Bean lovers I encourage you to try cooking them this way and you will be amazed at the difference in the taste and flavor:)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hot Dog Treats

With this being the 1st official day of summer and cookouts in full swing, I thought I would share a super cute and simple treat to take to your next outing.  These Hot Dog Treats might not be the tastiest together but are really appealing on the eye.

Hot Dog Treats
Circus Peanuts (slit in half for an opening)Be sure you do NOT cut it all the way through
Red Twizzlers (cut in 1 inch strips)
Yellow tube of icing(for mustard)

Place a single Twizzler in the opening of your circus peanut then adorn the top with a little yellow icing to make it look like the mustard.  Thats all there is to it and you will have a fun treat to share with little ones and big ones alike:)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Fun Tie Dye Cupcakes

So I stole this recipe from a dear friend but they were so cute and a BIG hit  I had to share.  This recipe is very simple but a little time consuming.  The end product is so cute.  I thought I would give you a step by step on this particular recipe.

You want to start with your regular favorite white cake mix.  I prefer Betty Crocker because of the box tops:)  Mix your batter as directed on box.  When mixed divide batter evenly into 4 bowls. (just a hint to get this even I took a measuring cup and did a cup of batter at a time into 4 bowls to make sure I had exact amounts.) I did 4 colors so I added gel food colring to each bowl and mixed thoroughly.  You will want to add as much coloring as you want.  So the less you add the more pastel of a look you will have and the more you add the brighter they will be.  I added about 1/2 of a tube of each color for mine. 
After you have mixed thoroughly then spoon one level spoon of all 4 colors into each lined muffiin pans.
 Bake as directed on box.  Be sure to insert a toothpick to check when they are done because they have a really shiney texture and tend to look like they need to be cooking longer when indeed they are done.
Let cool completely.
Once cool then do your icing in a similar manner.  I used 3 colors and divided then added gel color.  Once the color has been mixed in the bowls put in the refrigerator to set up for at least 5 minutes.  This just helpps the texture to not be so runny.The tricky part is putting your icing in your decorator.  I used my Pampered Chef Accent Decorator but you can use a decorating bag as well.  Add colors to each side of your tube the begin decorating. All color come out in a nice swirl design and look really cute.
The cutest thing was when you took a bite of these.  The colors were so vibrant and the kids loved them.
