Monday, April 18, 2011

Brand New

I have decided to start blogging.  This is very new to me so I will probably stay very confused at first:)  I hope many will read and enjoy what I have to share here daily.  Being a stay at home mom, it is so easy to turn the TV on for your kids so you can enjoy your time, and while TV is fun and something we do together daily it is not what our entire day revolves around.  I have a 10 year old, Cody,  in 5th grade right now and a 2 year old, Zane, here at home.  Because of the age difference in my boys I realized how quickly they grow and I really want to cherish every minute we have together.  My husband suggested I start a blog to show other stay at home moms that being a mom can be fun & rewarding(which most of us know this).  I wanted to be able to share time management when it comes to cooking, cleaning, taking care of my home, and extra curricular activities at home, church, school, & sports.  I know as a younger mother the 1st time around life was a little confusing so through my blog I hope to help mothers.  I will be sharing easy recipes, fun crafts & activities for you to do with your children at home, pictures, & tidbits of "steam blowing" as most of us moms have.  I am not a gifted writer so you will have to overlook any grammer errors you see but I hope you will enjoy this blog and find something useful in it:)

1 comment:

  1. When is the next blog comming? I am ready for more of your great recipes! Love ya
